about kristen ingman

The colors, forms, textures, and compositions I find in nature are my primary inspiration. Catch me on any trail, and there is a very good chance you would see me photographing the moment that light is sifting through the trees or reflecting off the water. I consider these moments an integral part of my creative process. My best work reflects the immense peace, wonder and joy that I experience in the outdoors.
Much of my work is a series of watercolors, gouaches, and oil paintings that depict the many trails I’ve run in the Northwest and beyond. It has been particularly rewarding to share my work with fellow nature enthusiasts.
Kristen has lived most of her life in the Pacific Northwest, including Seattle, Walla Walla, and Lopez Island. She currently resides in Bellingham, Washington with her two sons and husband. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art from Whitman College, and her Masters in Secondary Education from Western Washington University. In addition to painting in her home studio, Kristen has also taught high school art for over 20 years.
You can see Kristen’s art in person in various establishments around Bellingham and during the Whatcom Artist Studio Tour in October. Visit the WAST website for a map and information and join the mailing list to be informed of upcoming shows.